It's Your Day Bouquet® Happy Birthday
"Birthdays. Congratulations. A quick pick-me-up. Celebrate any occasion with our bright bouquet of fresh carnations, daisy poms and more, and let them know they deserve a day that's all about them!
Hand-designed bouquet of carnations, mini carnations, daisy poms, poms, monte casino and salal, beautifully hand-designed by our select florists
Please note each stem contains multiple blooms so bloom count may vary
Gathered in a stylish glass vase tied with colorful ribbon; vase measures 8""H x 4""D
Large arrangement measures approximately 13""H x 7""W
Small arrangement measures approximately 11""H x 5""W
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability"
Order by 1:00 PM CST for same day pickup or delivery!
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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Happy Birthday Balloon
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Happy Birthday Balloon
18" Happy Birthday Mylar Balloon. Styles may vary.
SKU # 183611HB
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